Second Chance Cheekye Ranch (SCCR) was established in 2016 by Kris Latham. With the help of a passionate group of animal loving volunteers, SCCR aims to rescue, rehabilitate, and rehome horses in need. More than 25,000 horses are slaughtered in Canada annually with most of the meat being exported overseas for human consumption. We aim to save as many as we can from that fate. Many horses that are rescued by SCCR are untouched by humans and can be quite wild. Most do not know what a carrot tastes like, and they often come to us with health issues. A great deal of time is spent interacting and gaining the horse’s trust. Our initial primary goal for these often scared and neglected animals, is to make them feel comfortable enough to get halters on so they can be groomed, have their health checked by our veterinarian, and feet assessed by our farrier.
There are many reasons that the animals we rescue end up in our care, some are surrendered, some are acquired, some come alone and often we will have herds of horses arriving, all of them are in need of a second chance and we are generally a last resort. We are always open to save any horses locally in the province, however we recognize that the biggest problem is in Alberta where the auctions are held and unwanted equines are likely to be sold for meat. We work closely with Horse Heroes of Alberta and other rescues to ensure that we can save as many animals as possible from this fate. On several occasions we have saved groups of young horses at the very last minute and have seen those animals go on to find a new chance at life.
We are proud of the progress that we have made with these otherwise forgotten animals. The reward of saving a life is immeasurable, but the costs are not. All feed, vet, farrier, medication, transport, and purchase costs of the horses are supported by donations and personal funds. It is a big undertaking both financially and logistically, but our devotion to horses, and our continued hopes that the current horrific slaughter regulations will change or cease someday altogether, fuel our resolve to do everything we can. 100% of every donation to SCCR directly benefits the equines and their care. Of course, there are many ways to help the fight to end horse slaughter in Canada. Visit the CANADIAN HORSE DEFENSE COALITION website to learn more.
Founder Kris Latham is the heart of the operation, from organising the logistics of rescues to carrying out daily feeding and care for each and every animal on the property. With a passionate team behind her, SCCR has grown immensely and continues to expand with the hope of helping more horses in need. It goes without saying that we couldn’t do what we do if it wasn’t for our dedicated volunteers. It is no small feat rescuing horses and their care is extremely time consuming. Our volunteers work hard while asking little in return, and the well loved and happy horses at Second Chance Cheekye Ranch are the result of many hours of donated time.
Kris was always surrounded by animals growing up, her incredible childhood enabled her to make them a big passion in her life and her first horse was rescued in Newfoundland at the age of 12! Having spent years living all over the world and coast to coast in Canada she finally found the West Coast and has called Squamish home since 1995. After establishing SCCR in 2016 Kris had been able to grow the rescue into a beautiful haven for equines in need. Kris is involved with every part of the rescue process from coordinating transport, helping horses through rehabilitation and ensuring that they find the best possible homes. She has incomparable passion for what she does and treats every horse as if it were her own.
Volunteer Coordinator
In Spring 2021, Nicole and her family visited SCCR, and upon learning of the work being done to help rescue and rehabilitate the horses she quickly offered to help. Nicole started out as a Volunteer shortly thereafter took on the role of Volunteer Coordinator. Her love of horses, initiative, and strong interpersonal and organizational skills made her a natural. Nicole actively recruits, trains, schedules, and supervises our incredible team of 100+ volunteers at 112 shifts per week. Nicole and her family adopted their first horse ‘Steele’ into their family and are dedicated to a lifetime of learning and growing together. They would most certainly tell you that she has been one of the most important decisions they've made.
Social Media Manager
Meet Vanessa Savage, the passionate digital storyteller behind SCCR online presence. In the summer of 2020, Vanessa embarked on a journey of personal growth by volunteering at SCCR. Vanessa later adopted a recuse Avalon and embarked on her own equine business journey, guided by the mentorship of Kris. Now, as SCCR's digital storyteller, Vanessa is dedicated to showcasing the incredible work happening at the ranch, from heartwarming success stories to shedding light on the realities of the horse meat industry. Through a compelling online presence, Vanessa aims to expand SCCR's impact, raise awareness about horse slaughter, and ultimately make a difference in the lives of horses in need. Join Vanessa in spreading awareness & advocating for a brighter future for equines through SCCR's social media feeds.
Board Member
Bio coming soon.
Bio coming soon.
Join the team
SCCR couldn’t do what we do without the help of passionate people like you. Apply now to volunteer.